AMWAJ Forum – A Mediterranean Water And Journalism Conference
Beirut, 28 October 2020 –The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) partnered with AMWAJ Forum, a leading platform focusing on tackling water scarcity and energy challenges and with CEWAS Middle East, and KAS – REMENA, to address the most pressing issues facing the Mediterranean region on the fronts of energy and water nexus. After Amman (2016) and Barcelona (2018), the third edition of AMWAJ Forum was planned to be held in the Lebanese capital: Beirut.
Due to the ongoing global health crisis, the organizers had to turn the event into a digitally-immersive learning experience spanning over 2 days on October 28-29, 2020.
Registration for the AMWAJ Live is currently open on this link: https://amwaj-alliance.com/forums/beirut-2020/#register-now
AMWAJ Live invites journalists, policymakers, and journalists from around the world for an opportunity to network with like-minded individuals who are driven by passion and the knowledge to promote sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. The event will feature 2 discussion panels held by 10 industry experts from the Mediterranean region to engage in thought-provoking discussions related to the water and energy markets.
The topics of the two discussion panels are:
- October 28 14:00-17:30 CET: “Regional Cooperation on Water and Energy in the Mediterranean”
- October 29 9:30-11:30 AM CET “Innovative, Youth-driven Solutions for Water and Energy in the Mediterranean”
The overarching goal of the panels is to create dialogue, bridge the gap between the different stakeholders, and take action in reaching sustainable development in the Mediterranean. In addition, the panels will actively seek the participation of attendees who could give their input through surveys and polls.
Furthermore, AMWAJ Live includes a Water and Energy ‘Mediathon’, a capacity-building exercise organized in collaboration with CEWAS Middle East connecting media professionals with water and energy entrepreneurs. The term ‘Mediathon’ is composed of the words Media and Hackathon. The Mediathon aims to develop media campaigns that stimulate the required demand for sustainable Water and Energy solutions. The event, comprising three fully immersive days, thereby provides an opportunity for media professionals to engage with environmental enthusiasts and young entrepreneurs to target emerging environmental topics in a creative and effective way. The Mediathon
A total of 30 participants from different disciplines will work in teams made up of one entrepreneur and four media professionals. Each team will develop an innovative water and energy media campaign and pitch their concept to a jury of experts in media and environmental sustainability. The judges will select two winners to be awarded seed funding to further develop and implement their concept. All Mediathon projects will be published on AMWAJ Forum’s online channels to ensure a bigger reach and a larger impact. Lastly, the Water Open Eye Awards winner will be announced by representatives of the Blue Peace Media Lab.
Knowing that the event was previously planned to be held in Beirut (Lebanon), the organizers will be organizing a re-forestation activity in Beirut in November in collaboration with ‘theOtherDada’, which will soon be open for volunteers and donations.
With this, AMWAJ Live welcomes all interested individuals to register and engage with our social media content on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook #AMWAJLive