EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2018: Changing Euro-Mediterranean Lenses
12-13 July 2018, Rabat. EuroMeSCo (the main Euro-Mediterranean network of think tanks gathering about a hundred think tanks and institutions from both shores of the Mediterranean), the European Institute of the Mediterranean and the OCP Policy Center are organising the 2018 EuroMeSCo Annual Conference “Changing Euro-Mediterranean Lenses”, to be held in Rabat on 12-13 July 2018. Designated Secretary General of UfM, Nasser Kamel, will be delivering the opening keynote speech.
This conference will invite high level policymakers and researchers to challenge this prevailing approach and analyze how recent developments in Europe affect the southern shore of the Mediterranean and more generally Euro-Mediterranean relations.
Similarly, Euro-Mediterranean policies are too often understood as policies of the European Union towards the Southern Mediterranean. This conference will look at policies and strategies developed by southern Mediterranean countries vis-à-vis the EU and other partners.