Maritime Clusters in the Mediterranean Region
This document provides an overview of the various practices of Maritime Clusters being promoted to foster the Blue Economy across the Mediterranean region. Maritime Clusters are in fact important policy tools to support sustainable growth and jobs across the Mediterranean. They do so by promoting the uptake of innovation, knowledge, skills as well as access to finance – ensuring that the support provided is effective and locallygrounded. This is possible through joint actions promoted by socio-economic and institutional actors at the local, national and sub-regional levels. Maritime Clusters have been growingly acknowledged as essential boosters for innovation and diversification of the Blue Economy. And yet, the very concept of “cluster” and the practical examples of related organisations have evolved through time. As a result, a range of practices and approaches has de facto emerged (industrial complex, agglomeration of interlinked industries, community-based network, etc.), depending on specific local needs and experiences, as well as the different development patterns and challenges faced across the maritime sectors. An overview of the main features of the Maritime Clusters existing across the Mediterranean region is provided, together with an analysis of the distribution across sub-regions as well as across the different range of experience and sectors of the Blue Economy. Some concrete examples are also presented, with final reflections and insights on the best way forward in supporting effective clustering initiatives: within each country and at broader Mediterranean level.
Publication coordinator and supervisor: Alessandra Sensi, Head of sector, Environment and Blue Economy, UfM
Study coordinator: Matteo Bocci
Study team: Christophe Le Visage, Thanos Smanis, Clément Dupont, Samir Grimes
December 2019