The UfM Business Platform, conceived as a dynamic network of private sector entities, governments and experts from across the Euro-Mediterranean region, aims to contribute to regional integration through facilitating trade and investments and to the development of Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) by building synergies and partnerships, promoting policy dialogue and the exchange of best practices as well as fostering corporate responsibility. Istanbul, 29 June 2018. Key decision-makers coordinating cooperation for development from over 40 countries of the Arab States, Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States regions (CIS), gathered at the 4th Regional Networking Forum on South-South and Triangular… read more
4 may 2018, Rabat. New developments in the advancement of the scaling-up strategy of the UfM labelled project “HOMERe” were achieved at Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morroco, on 4 May 2018, during a Euro-Mediterranean event on “International internships as a tool for youth employability in the Mediterranean” which celebrated ten years of cooperation between French and Moroccan universities and companies in this respect. Several alumni received at that occasion the certificate recognising that they successfully performed a quality internship in the Mediterranean region in the HOMERe framework. Saïd Bhira, Special Counsellor to the UfM Secretary General for Higher Education and Research, affirmed that… read more
Ljubljana, 11th April, 2018. Ljubljana has hosted the Creative Forum Ljubljana, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in collaboration with the Union for the Mediterranean. The conference was focused on the role of the creative sector in modern society, with particular emphasis on opportunities in the Western Balkans and the southern Mediterranean. The event brought together creative people from EU member states, the southern Mediterranean and the Western Balkans. The conference focused on youth and employment opportunities for young people in culture and the creative sectors, which provide jobs for almost 30 million people around the world, and… read more
Brussels, 19 March 2018. – The 43 member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) convened today in Brussels at the 10th Trade Ministerial Conference, where they gave a new impulse to economic integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The Ministerial Conference was held under the UfM Co-Presidency of Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Trade, and Yarub Qudah, Jordanian Minister of Trade, Industry and Supply, in the presence of Jorge Borrego, UfM Acting Secretary General. The level of regional economic integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region remains amongst the lowest in the world. Eight years have passed since the last Trade Ministerial… read more
MedaWeek 2017 brought together more than 1,500 business people to discuss the untapped human and economic potential of the Mediterranean region from a wide variety of angles…. read more
Berlin, 5 October 2017. With this joint declaration the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) enter into a stronger partnership that seeks to push forward regional integration, support the creation of a wide range of employment opportunities, in particular for young women and men, and boost trade within the region and beyond. To achieve these goals, the BMZ will support the UfM Secretariat with a €2 million advisory project for the years 2017-2019. “We must put greater emphasis again on viewing the Mediterranean as an area of cooperation…. read more
2,000 businesspeople from the region are expected to participate in the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders (MedaWeek) which is to be held in Barcelona on 22-24 November 2017…. read more
About 50 participants from employment and labour ministries and agencies in UfM countries, as well as representatives from European and international organisations discuss follow-up actions to implement the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Employment and Labour and share best practices addressing employment challenges in the region…. read more
• A UfMS delegation shared its views on the main regional challenges affecting the Euro-Mediterranean region and presented UfM action on job creation, highlighting the 3rd UfM Ministerial Conference on Labour and Employment and the integrated employability program Med4Jobs. • The Summit, inaugurated by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, brought together 120 participants from a range of economic and social councils and similar institutions from UfM Member States…. read more
• The UfM Senior Officials representing the 43 Member States of the Union for the Mediterranean held their fourth regular meeting this year to discuss the challenges facing the Euro-Mediterranean region and to approve several initiatives to promote regional stability, regional human development and regional integration. • Senior Officials approved two new regional cooperation projects to promote urban development and economic integration in the region, bringing the total number of UfM-labelled projects to 47, valued at over 5 billion euros…. read more