• The Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, the Special Advisor to the Secretary of State in charge of Higher Education and Research in France and representatives of the local authorities launched the opening of classes in the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) as part of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes. • Deeming the education and employability of young people to be the best investment for the future of the region, the UfM and the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes are working hand-in-hand for this purpose…. read more
Within the framework of the MedNC project, the ISCAE (Institut Supérieur de Comptabilité et d’Administration des Entreprises) linked to the University of la Manouba, completes the first edition of the ISCAE New Chance programme. The project could also be developed in Spain through the intermediation of iesMed (Innovation et Economie sociale en Méditerranée)…. read more
The UfM Secretariat has been invited to ensure the operational follow-up to the Dialogue 5+5 on Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It has been asked to provide specific support for the implementation and follow-up of the Work Programme for 2015-2016 adopted by the Ministers.… read more
• The students were introduced to the UfM Secretariat’s activities and efforts in promoting regional integration…. read more
The official launch of the UfM-labelled HOMERe project in Marseille will provide an opportunity to discuss young graduates’ transition to an active life in the Mediterranean region and the leverage which transnational company internships can have in helping them access the labour market. The testimonials from the first participants will illustrate how HOMERe works and its added value for young graduates and for companies…. read more
The main objective of the Mediterranean New Chance programme is to provide young people who have been excluded from the labour market (dropouts from school and unemployed graduates) with innovative training and first business experience following the successful pedagogical model of the Second Chance School of Marseille.… read more
The New Chance Mediterranean Network (MedNC) programme aims at improving the employability of young people who dropped out of school before obtaining a degree and unemployed graduates from Southern Mediterranean countries…. read more
The Ministerial Conference will take place in Madrid on 23-24 March 2015, gathering ten Western Mediterranean countries…. read more
The creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Technology as part of the University, the launch of a recruiting campaign for executive staff and professors and the commencement of the first two accredited Master’s degree programmes in temporary offices are among the main project’s achievements of 2014…. read more
In the framework of the Italian EU Presidency in the second semester of 2014, the Italian Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry held the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Agriculture in Palermo, Sicily on 28 November 2014…. read more