Leipzig, 2 June 2017. UfM Deputy Secretary General Ihab Fahmy participated in the 10th Annual Summit of the International Transport Forum (ITF) – OECD, held in Leipzig, Germany from 31 May to 2 June 2017. The summit gathered Transport Ministers from around the world, heads of key international organisations, international financial institutions and CEOs of major companies, as well as parliamentarians and academics. It was a good occasion to exchange knowledge, build on existing synergies and explore opportunities for cooperation with potential partners and stakeholders. It also provided the opportunity to present UfM activities towards establishing a UfM Regional Platform… read more
The World Alliance for Efficient Solutions and the UfM Secretariat agree to collaborate on joint activities to support the Euro-Mediterranean region transition toward a sustainable and low-carbon development…. read more
Ministers in charge of housing, municipal affairs and urban development affirmed their commitment to reinforce cooperation and adopted the UfM Urban Agenda, with the aim of promoting and achieving sustainable urban development in the region. The Ministerial Conference witnessed the launch of the UfM-labelled “Imbaba Urban Upgrading Project” positively impacting 2 million inhabitants…. read more
Nairobi (Kenya), 10 May 2017. UfM Deputy Secretary General Ihab Fahmy addressed the Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) on the occasion of its 26th session held at the United Nations Offices in Nairobi, Kenya on 8 -12 May 2017. This Governing Council (GC26), which takes place a few months after the Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016, was centred on ´Opportunities for the effective implementation of the adopted New Urban Agenda´. The meeting addressed pressing issues such as inclusive, sustainable and adequate housing for a better… read more
• Mayors of Barcelona and Tetouan, Co-President of ARLEM, and UfM Secretary General presided over 25th Anniversary of Euro-Mediterranean municipal network MedCities, and discuss urban development regional co-operation with mayors and other stakeholders from the region. • Participants agreed on the need for an enhanced common urban development agenda for the Mediterranean, developing synergies and closer cooperation amongst the different integration initiatives in the region, especially in light of UN Habitat III New Urban Agenda and the upcoming COP22 in Marrakech and UfM Ministerial on Sustainable Urban Development in Cairo…. read more
The Networking Event “Union for the Mediterranean – Urban Projects Finance Initiative (UPFI)” was a unique opportunity to build on the UPFI success story and discuss the best tools to implement a “New Urban Agenda for the Mediterranean Region”, in view of the next UfM Ministerial Conference on Sustainable Urban Development, to be held in Egypt in the Spring of 2017…. read more
Today, at the Dead Sea in Jordan, Ministers of International Cooperation and Planning from the 43 member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) defined key steps to enhance the impact of regional cooperation…. read more
• The 1st informal Expert Meeting on Road Safety in the Mediterranean gathered experts from key institutions to agree on further action to improve road safety in the region. • “The UfM is very well placed to coordinate road safety prevention efforts in the Mediterranean”, said Jean Todt, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Road Safety. • “The UfM Secretariat stands ready to contribute to road safety efforts in the region within the framework of its activities in the transport sector, by providing a wide intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder platform to build on a concerted agenda”, said UfM Secretary… read more
• The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and UN-Habitat sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen collaboration for an integrated approach to urban development, focusing on water management, risk reduction and resilience. • Fostering sustainable urban development is paramount to effectively advance integration, stability and human development in the Mediterranean…. read more
• The projects will directly benefit the development of sustainable urban areas in nine countries on the southern and eastern shores. • According to the European Investment Bank, urban infrastructure in the region will require an investment of €60 billion in the next 20 years. • The Union for the Mediterranean fosters social and urban infrastructure initiatives with a regional scope to raise strategic investments amongst the stakeholders in the region (governments, multilateral organisations and promoters)…. read more