At the Mediterranean economic conference in Tunis Marylise Lebranchu recalls our attention to the decisive role of public action for territorial development and job creation
Tunis, 17th September, 2013. Marylise Lebranchu, Minister for State Reform, Decentralisation and Public Service, was in Tunis today to take part in the Mediterranean Economic Conference on “Employment and Territorial Development”, arranged by the Tunisian government and Union for the Mediterranean (UpM).
In her speech the Minister put forward the major outlines of the decentralisation bill currently being debated in Parliament and stressed its economic scale.
The Minister similarly pointed out that backing the exchange of know-how between the territorial communities on both sides of the Mediterranean enables fostering the processes of transition, furtherance of democracy and territorial development.
To round off her speech, Marylise Lebranchu resasserted that France “stands by all its Mediterranean partners, since regional cooperation, as this is specifically embodied in the Union for the Mediterranean, is one of the most relevant mechanisms for enabling this region to grow stronger”.