Ministries of Industry of six UfM Countries and Women Business Associations met at the Second Steering Committee of the UfM labelled project “Promoting women’s empowerment for inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the MENA region”.
The Second Regional Steering Committee Meeting of the project was held on Tuesday 9 February 2016 in Casablanca, Morocco. The Regional Steering Committee Meeting consists of the six Ministries of Industry of the related MENA countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia), the representatives of six Women Business Associations in the six beneficiary countries, the Italian Government (as a donor), the UfMS and UNIDO. Its role is to advise on the overall implementation of the project’s activities to ensure its alignment with the priorities of the counterparts, MENA national women’s business associations in particular. The main goal was to present the progress made so far and introduce the implementation strategy for the next five months of implementation.
The meeting was the occasion to present the project website as well as the promotional video produced by the project.
The meeting also enabled the UfM Secretariat to present UfM activities in the field of women’s empowerment and announce the cooperation between UNIDO and the UfM in the framework of the labelled project.