UfM Regional Platform on Industrial cooperation

The private sector, particularly micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), is vital for generating economic value and creating essential, decent jobs. Moreover, these enterprises contribute significantly to sustainable and inclusive economic development. In recognition of this, UfM member states continuously strive to improve the business environment to ensure that companies can thrive. In that sense, the UfM Regional Platform on Industrial Cooperation has adopted a joint Work Programme focused on industrial cooperation and the development of SMEs.
MSMEs form the backbone of many economies, representing 95% of all companies globally and accounting for 60% of employment. However, despite their critical role, they face significant challenges, such as limited access to finance and resources, which impede their efforts toward digitalization and internationalization (WTO, 2020). It is essential to implement enabling policies and support measures to effectively address these challenges and foster the growth of MSMEs.
The Platform's objective

In this context, the UfM Regional Platform on Industrial Cooperation provides a unique forum for policy dialogue and the exchange of best practices aimed at promoting the private sector and entrepreneurship in the region. This platform specifically addresses challenges such as access to finance and entry into international markets. It convenes representatives from ministries of industry and relevant agencies of UfM Member States, as well as officials from European institutions and international organisations, twice a year.
To facilitate concrete progress, the UfM Regional Platform on Industrial Cooperation has adopted a joint Work Programme focused on industrial cooperation and SME development. This programme outlines a set of goals and actionable steps for Member Countries to implement. The European Commission can support selected key priorities of the Work Programme through regional initiatives, provided they align with established priorities and are subject to available funding.
The Platform's key priorities

The ongoing Work programme on Industrial Cooperation covers the and is structured around the following five thematic chapters:
- Strengthen the EU-South neighbourhood value chain integration.
- Encourage internationalisation and support to MSMEs, innovation, business environment and access to finance.
- Enhance digitalisation.
- Support the MSMEs green transition of the UfM region.
- Promoting policies for decent job creation and social economy.
Policy framework

The Final Statement adopted at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, held in Marseille on 3-4 November 2008, identified industrial cooperation as one of the field of cooperation for the UfM.
UfM Ministerial Declaration on Industrial Cooperation, 19 February 2014, Brussels.

Key partners

- Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs – DG GROW, EU Commission
- Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, Jordan