ENI CBC MED thematic clusters
Context and objectives
The ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme” is the largest Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) initiative implemented by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).
The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 countries to fund innovative, inclusive and sustainable development cooperation on both sides of the Mediterranean. Projects will be grouped into 4 thematic clusters: business and SMEs development; technological transfer and innovation; social inclusion and fight against poverty; environment and climate change.
The UfM and the ENI CBC Med Managing Authority signed a Memorandum of Understanding and agreed a Joint Action Plan in April 2019, to strengthen partnership and cooperation in addressing shared challenges.
The main objectives are to support knowledge exchange and management among ENI CBC Med-funded projects based on overlap with UfM main policy orientations and ongoing initiatives, as well as to promote key project outputs and good practices with decision-makers at local, national and regional level in order to support evidence-based policy-making.
Transnational events will be organized to promote dialogue between institutional actors in the EU-MED area, as well as to attract stakeholders within the community of each thematic cluster. Results-orientated monitoring of funded projects will be undertaken, to improve performance and strengthen outcomes, as well as mid-term evaluation of selected projects, mid-term conferences on achieved results and perspectives, and dedicated events for selected follow-up involving key decision makers.
Finally, the project will be evaluated through a report on achieved results based on the performance framework set by the ENI CBC Med Programme and through the analysis of ENI CBC Med projects that could be potentially labelled and supported by the UfM.

Key figures
36 months
With a total cost of € 76 M, the project is fully funded, 90% co-financed by the ENI CBC MED Programme and 10% of national co-financing by partner organisations.
- Lead beneficiaries of funded projects
- National partner organizations
- Regional stakeholders
ENI CBC Med programme –Managing Authority (Autonomous Region of Sardinia)
ENI CBC Med is the largest Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) initiative implemented by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries.
The expected beneficiaries of the project are: Public authorities (at national and regional level), universities/research bodies, private sector (mainly SMEs, start-ups, civil society organizations, including associations, foundations, citizens’ groups, etc.)
Key actions
Creation of the thematic clusters:
- Joint analysis of the results of the inter-programme consultation with all relevant Euro-Med programmes and initiatives.
- Summary report on most relevant actions of EU Programmes and initiatives currently underway in the Mediterranean and their synergies with ENI CBC MED projects and UfM initiatives.
- Thematic cluster strategy to strengthen synergies and complementarities among projects and participation in common actions
Management of the thematic clusters:
- Transnational events to promote dialogue between institutional actors in the EU/MED area, as well as to attract in the thematic community new stakeholders.
- Result oriented monitoring missions on funded projects to improve their performances and strengthen their outcomes.
- Mid-term evaluation on selected projects.
- Mid-term conference on achieved results and perspectives.
- Organisation of dedicated events for selected results follow-up involving key decisionmakers.
Evaluation of the thematic clusters:
- Report on achieved results based on the performance framework set by the ENI CBC MED Programme and including all technical assistance activities to support projects implementation.
- Analysis of the ENI CBC Med projects that could be potentially labelled and supported by the UfMS.
- Enhanced quality of ENI CBC Med implemented projects by fostering exchange of knowledge, benchmarking of results cross-contamination.
- Enhanced links with UfM labelled projects and with a wider community of stakeholders/donors/international organizations.
- Ownership of project results enhanced at local and national local level through capitalization and capacity building activities
- Reinforced complementarity between the UfM priority areas of action and ENI CBC Med thematic priorities, to better address most relevant challenges at Euro-Mediterranean level
- Pave the way to potential extension of ENI CBC Med projects results to UfM countries not involved in the Programme