Euro-Med Governance: Euro-MED 2021-2027 Governance projects and capitalization of the Interreg MED 2014-2020 governance approach and projects
Context and objectives
The project EuroMed Governance is an initiative/programming that aims at the improvement of territorial transnational governance through an evidence-based dialogue among national and regional actors for a sustainable growth in the region.
Under the umbrella of the EuroMed Governance there are 7 projects already put forward by the Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020. These governance projects belonging to the Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020 are:
• The so called ‘governance umbrella project PANORAMED’, launched in July 2017 and running until April 2022; and
• the 6 strategic governance projects, which started in 2019 and 2020 and are currently ongoing.
Moreover, within the EuroMed Governance programming sits the 2021-2027 approach that will extend, capitalize and ensure implementation in the territories via 8 planned future projects (4 Institutional Projects and 4 Thematic Community Projects), all of them promoting institutional dialogues, and covering in a complementary way the 4 missions of the Program – namely, strengthening an innovative sustainable economy, both blue and green; protecting and restoring the natural environment and heritage; promoting green living areas; and enhancing sustainable tourism – that will form the governance axis of the Interreg Euro-MED Program.

Key figures
Kick off in September 2022 and run until June 2029
Total cost for the Interreg Euro-MED Programme 2021-2027:
38M €
Total cost for the Interreg MED programme 2014-2020:
21,7K €
- National and local public authorities engaged in policy – making (core target group of the Interreg Euro-MED 21-27)
- Universities, research centres & higher education institutions
- Environmental agencies, structures in charge of protected areas, energy agencies, business support organisations
- NGOs/ local communities and associations
Key actions
Elaboration, implementation and adoption of mechanisms to facilitate the exploitation and re-use of knowledge and experiences
Elaboration, implementation and adoption of processes to facilitate the transfer of results to other stakeholders, programmes and territories and their mainstreaming into local, regional, national and European policies
Elaboration, implementation and adoption of protocols to increase coordination between stakeholders covering the Mediterranean (multi-level, transnational) based on shared knowledge, experiences and results.
Thematic Community Projects will specifically aim at establishing conditions for synergy and coordination between thematic projects
Institutional projects will aim at supporting institutional coordination between regional, national and European authorities/networks and between European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) managing authorities, initiatives and strategies in the Mediterranean
Expected results
Enhanced capacities for multilateral coordination in the Mediterranean.
For governance axis: setting up of planned cooperation measures among participating countries.
Reinforced transnational dialogue
Developed evidence-based approach: Enhanced institutional capacity
Discussion and exchange processes
Multilateral cooperation platforms
Definition of objectives, a strategy and an action plan for the implementation of shared measures
A more coordinated approach to thematic issues among local, regional, national and European policies thanks to collectively empowered results of Interreg Euro-MED projects
Increased institutional capacity of Mediterranean public authorities in transformative public policy, governance and transnational cooperation
Increased coordination and cooperation between regional, national and supranational institutions/bodies and programmes acting in the area as well as strategies and initiatives.