RISE – Resilience and Innovation through Strengthened Entrepreneurship
Context and objectives
The RISE project aims to increase economic resilience and employment opportunities for vulnerable groups in Morocco and Tunisia by improving institutional, technical, social and economic conditions for innovative entrepreneurial activity, inclusive growth and job creation. It will provide tailored employment-related capacity development and entrepreneurial programmes, promote networks and dialogue among actors of the business ecosystem, support entrepreneurial activity and build capacities of MSMEs to enable income generation and job creation.
Micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and social enterprises (SEs) play a vital role in local-level economic development, accounting for a significant share of GDP and being the main contributors to the creation of jobs and wealth, the generation of income and alleviation of poverty. They are also central to efforts to achieve more inclusive growth and sustainable employment.
Challenges to starting and maintaining a business include complicated and expensive legal and administrative requirements, lack of access to finance and effective support, and more recently issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project will also address barriers to women’s employment and tailor targeting criteria to ensure 50% of beneficiaries are women. The design of activities and feedback will ensure the voices of women, young people and minorities such as refugees, displaced and disabled people are included.

Key figures
9 months
Job loss predicted in North Africa as a result of COVID-19:
1.7 million
Total cost:
Job loss for women:
Key partners
Tunisian Centre For Social Entrepreneurship (TCSE)
Enactus Morocco
Un Raggio di Luce foundation ONLUS
Fundación Oxfam Intermón
- 30 existing social enterprises and MSMEs (with an estimated 120 employees). Particular attention will be paid to those that are women and/or youth-led, or which create jobs for young people and women, especially in rural areas.
- 40 Social Enterprise Support Organisations (SESOs) (with an estimated 200 technical staff).
- 100 young aspiring entrepreneurs
Key actions
National gendered needs assessments of local economy actors facing the COVID-19 crisis in Morocco and Tunisia
National analyses to identify main economic sectors with potential in terms of employment for women, youth and vulnerable groups
Tailored digital and in-presence technical support and trainings to SESOs, SEs and young entrepreneurs: effective coping mechanisms for businesses to react to crises; design thinking; social business model canvas; crowd-solving/funding; access to strategic impact investors; inclusive business acceleration; testing disruptive business ideas. Additionally, exchange workshops with successful SEs to promote mutual learning and strategic networking
Networking activities between SE actors, employers and employment agencies
50 internships for young entrepreneurs in well-established national companies
1 virtual study visit in Italy on effective supporting mechanisms for MSMEs and SEs facing COVID-19 related challenges
Good practices of MSMEs and SEs successful stories overcoming the economic and health crisis collected in a guide and short videos to be disseminated at national and international levels
Documentaries produced showing the problems faced by youth in accessing the labour market
Expected results
RISE strives to contribute to increase economic resilience and employment opportunities for vulnerable groups in Morocco and Tunisia in response to the COVID challenges
Unleash the potential of innovative entrepreneurial activities and improve institutional, technical, social and economic conditions in the two target countries for inclusive growth and job creation.
The 3 main areas of intervention and expected results include: Research and Analysis: SEs’, SESOs’ and MSMEs’ capacity building needs and key economic sectors are identified and analyzed in 2 up-to-date analysis (1 per country).
Capacity Building and Networking: Innovative and tailored capacity building activities are provided to 40 Moroccan and Tunisian Social Entrepreneurship Support Organizations, 30 Entrepreneurs and 100 young aspiring entrepreneurs. 4 matchmaking and networking events with 100 participants per country.
Learning and Dissemination: 15 best practices on supporting mechanisms for social entrepreneurs and MSMEs facing economic and health crisis are identified and promotion material. 9 public events to disseminate these best practices