Devising new ways to foster Regional Industrial Cooperation in times of COVID-19
28 October 2020 – The UfM Regional Platform on Industrial Cooperation convened today in a virtual format, bringing together representatives of the UfM Secretariat, the European Commission, public authorities, business associations from Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries and international organisations.
The meeting saw the presentation by the European Commission of a number of new EU policies, including the industrial policy, the green and the digital transition and the strategy for Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It was also the occasion to take stock of the implementation of the 2018-2020 UfM Work Program on Industrial Cooperation, extended one more year with a special focus on its last pillar: social economy.
In his welcome address, UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel, underlined the relevance of the topics discussed during the meeting in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, which has taken a toll on the economies of the region. He also stressed the commitment of the UfM to contribute to the promotion of new avenues of regional industrial cooperation seizing the opportunities provided by the envisaged restructuring of supply chains, disrupted due to the pandemic crisis.
Furthermore, the participants outlined a roadmap to set the groundwork for the future Work Program beyond 2021, taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and the pathway for the recovery as well as the new EU policies abovementioned.