Skills for Success – Finalization of the training program promoting female youth employment in Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon, 18 August 2016.
On August 18, AMIDEAST/Lebanon held a graduation ceremony for the participants of the programme “Skills for Success” in Beirut. After the finalization of the programme in Lebanon, “Skills for Success” has already trained more than 320 women in Jordan, Morocco and Lebanon.
In Lebanon, the programme was implemented in 4 governorates: Beirut, Tripoli (north), Tyr (south), and the Shouf (south/center), and benefited 103 young women. To conclude this edition, a graduation was organized in honor of the participants. 99 graduates attended this special event and received a certificate for completing successfully their training.
Ms. Helena Simas, Regional Director of English Language Programs of AMIDEAST highlighted the general feeling of new confidence and determination among the young graduates as evidenced by one of the beneficiaries, Zainab Fahrat’s statement:
“This program not only helped me develop my English language, computer, and professional skills and knowledge, but it also got me closer to my goal for opening an after school teaching center in my village to teach English for kids between 6 and 12 years. I never believed I would be able to do that!” she said.
This employability-skills-training programme has already been proved very successful. The job placement percentage among the total number of job seekers in Jordan and Morocco (115 graduates) is estimated at 49%. The percentage is estimated at 6% of participants placed in internships out of the total number of job seekers. Also, an “unintended outcome” of Skills for Success was the very high number of participants who decided to pursue a university degree or short-term diploma once they assessed their own potential and goals within the programme. Such outcomes contributed to a broader analysis of programme impact by the project as well as to several recommendations for similar initiatives in the future.
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