The UfM Secretariat strengthens cooperation in Scientific Research with the Western Mediterranean countries
Rabat, 20 September, 2013. The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean participated in the First Conference of Ministers in charge of Scientific Research in the Western Mediterranean held in Rabat on 19th and 20th September 2013.
Under the chairmanship of Mr. Lahcen Daoudi, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training of the Kingdom of Morocco, the meeting was attended by Ministers and State Secretaries from ten Euro-Mediterranean countries participating in the “5+5 Dialogue” (France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Libya and Tunisia) as well as by the leaders of the European Union and the Union of the Arab Maghreb.
The main outcomes of the Conference are the adoption of a final Declaration and the preparation of an Action Plan including activities on priority topics which will be implemented and evaluated on a regular basis. Both Research and Innovation were highlighted as important tools to foster socio-economic development, sustained growth and wealth.
Mr. Claudio Cortese, Senior Deputy Secretary General, presented the core activities developed by the UfM Secretariat in the domains of Higher Education, Research and Job Creation.
In particular, 5+5 Ministers expressed their collective support towards the creation of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes (labelled in June 2012) and towards the youth mobility strategy that the UfM Secretariat is planning to launch in 2014.
Spain agreed to host the Second Ministerial Conference for Cooperation in Scientific Research and Higher Education of Western Mediterranean countries.