UfM Secretariat signs memorandum of understanding with the Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)
Barcelona, 27 June, 2013. The Secretary General of the UfM, Fathallah Sijilmassi, took part in the opening of the General Assembly of the Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), together with Joana Ortega, Vice-President of the Catalan Government (Spain), Roger Albinyana, Secretary of Foreign Relations of the Catalan Government and Jordi Martí, Deputy Mayor of Barcelona.
The Catalan Government is the hosting institution of the General Assembly. President Artur Mas, as the actual President of the Intermediterranean Commission of the CPMR, hosted a working lunch with the Secretary General and the President of Toscana (Italy), also present in the meeting.
In its dealings with EU institutions and national governments the CPMR has, since 1973, been targeting its action towards ensuring the needs and interests of its member Regions are taken into account in all policies with a high territorial impact. In particular, the CPMR works to promote a strong EU regional policy and contribute towards Europe’s economic growth.