UfM Working Group on Blue Economy
The UfM Working Group on Blue Economy is a technical group composed of representatives designated by the UfM countries and is co-chaired by the two co-Presidencies with the support of the UfM Secretariat; The group meets at least once a year, possibly back to back with other events.
It includes permanent observers as per Ministerial Declaration; additional participants can also be invited on an ad hoc basis or as observers, depending on the agenda and to ensure appropriate coordination with other relevant initiatives. The UfM WG on BE focuses its efforts on the implementation of the Ministerial Declaration on BE, of November 2015, and therefore aims at:
- Further shaping the regional BE agenda and portfolio based on the Ministerial recommendations;
- Exchanging information, views and best practices between countries as well as stakeholders (you can visit our dedicated webpage to the Mediterranean Blue Stakeholder Platform www.medblueconomyplatform.org);
- Creating synergies among initiatives;
- Providing input to future actions and possible sea basin approaches/maritime strategies, without duplicating existing initiatives and bodies;