4th Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean: “Paving the way forward”
Barcelona, 10 October 2019. The 4th edition of the Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM): “Paving the way forward”, will take place on 10 October 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.
Building on the success of the first three editions, the 4th UfM Regional Forum will provide the occasion to take stock of the progress achieved to date, and to discuss the way forward to strengthen development, cooperation and regional integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
In the margins of the Regional Forum, the UfM Secretariat will organise an event to present the main conclusions of the first-ever comprehensive scientific report on the impact of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean region, developed since 2015 by a network of over 80 scientists from across the Euro-Mediterranean area named MedECC – Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change.
During the Forum, scientists, policymakers and key stakeholders will discuss the main vulnerabilities in our region as well as its resilience to climate change in the coming years.
View the specific page for regional Forum