2nd Europe-Africa Forum
- The UfM Secretary General was invited to participate in the second Europe-Africa Forum in Marseille as a guest speaker. This event was an opportunity for Secretary General Nasser Kamel to hold several bilateral meetings aimed at examining possibilities of cooperation with different institutions, but also to enlighten the present actors on UfM Secretariat activities.
16 May 2023, Marseille – The Europe-Africa Forum, which was inaugurated by Mrs. Martine Vassal – Présidente of “Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence”, and President of the “Conseil départemental des Bouches-du-Rhône”, chose the UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel as a guest speaker to reflect and share UfM perspectives during the 1st panel of the event, along with Mrs. Amélia Lakrafi, French MP.
The panel was moderated by Mr. Stephan Tortora, DG of “La Tribune”, and examined the different ways to strengthen the European-African relations in a regional and global context characterized by continuous change. Several Ministers or former Ministers from Africa also took part in the framework of different panels during the forum.
During his speech, Secretary General Kamel recalled the current geopolitical context and its impact on both Europe and Africa, notably at the socio-economic level. He noted that managing the post-COVID-19 period and the impact of the war in Ukraine was considered a serious challenge for both regions. Such a situation imposed revising and adopting new strategies that put the two geographic spaces at the heart of the regional supply chains, if their respective economic potential is taken into consideration as well as the rapid changes occurring throughout the world. He asserted that the two continents linked by the Mediterranean, must be able “to adapt to this next “realignment” and chart a promising future in a new world that will no longer be dominated by a single hyper-power, but by several”.
The Europe-Africa Forum in Marseille was also the occasion for Secretary General Kamel to partake in a number of bilateral meetings aimed at assessing the opportunities of cooperation with several institutions. The high-level participants in the Forum indeed highlighted the potential venues of cooperation between Europe and Africa, recalling that in a context of food crisis, Africa can be a reliable partner and key supplier to Europe. Other key aspects of potential cooperation include the fight against climate change, for water and energy access and for the strengthening of a continental market.
Finally, such an event gave more visibility to the UfM Secretariat and promoted its activities, linking it to salient stakeholders of the Mediterranean region.