3rd Southern EU Countries Summit: “UfM plays a central role in the consolidation of Euro-Mediterranean regional cooperation”
On 10 April, 2017, the Heads of State or Government of Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain convened in Madrid at the 3rd Summit of Southern European Union Countries, where they reaffirmed their support to the Union for the Mediterranean and stressed its “central role in the consolidation of Euro-Mediterranean regional cooperation, as an expression of co-ownership in the management of our common regional agenda in order to effectively and collectively address our current challenges”.
The Madrid Declaration, adopted at the end of the Summit, also refers to the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy highlighting “the EU’s political will to further strengthen the UfM”.
The 3rd Summit of Southern European Union Countries confirmed as priorities a common immigration policy, growth and employment, social protection, the Economic and Monetary Union and cooperation on security and defence.
The Madrid Summit is the continuation of the Athens Summit held on 9 September and the more recent Lisbon Summit on 28 January.
More information
Enhanced Regional cooperation: a strategic objective in the new European Neighbourhood Policy
UfM Member States adopt an action-oriented roadmap for the strengthening of regional cooperation