UfM at the European Parliament and the Council of Europe: reinforcing ties to achieve more inclusive socio-economic development
Deputy Secretary General Borione underscored “the need to enhance our shared determination in encouraging inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development by working more closely and efficiently in joint and common programmes and initiatives”. She also praised the Council of Europe for its activities to support the region. She also suggested several areas of cooperation in women’s empowerment, youth and education as well as with the North-South Centre.
In terms of the debate on the final report on the future ENP, Deputy Secretary General Borione met with members of the European Parliament, from various political groups, who are also members of the UfM’s Parliamentarian Assembly (PA-UfM). During these bilateral meetings she highlighted key challenges and UfM initiatives and projects in the region, particularly those focused on women’s empowerment, youth mobility and the social economy. Ms. Borione also followed the debate on the review of the ENP in the European Parliament’s plenary session on 9 July, which resulted in the European adoption of a new document, prepared by MEP Eduard Kukan, which “calls for the revised policy to strengthen the existing platforms for cooperation, namely the Union for the Mediterranean (…) in order to further support regional integration”.