Advancing the agenda on Education for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean
• The UfM Secretariat participated in the Ministerial Conference for the Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean, held at the invitation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Cyprus Republic, Costas Kadis, in Nicosia, Cyprus, on 8-9 December.
• An Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean was adopted.
Nicosia, 8-9 December 2016. The Ministerial Conference culminated in the adoption of an Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean, that identifies 16 priority thematic issues where specific regional programmes and projects should be further enhanced or newly developed, inter alia, climate change adaptation and mitigation, integrated water resources management, empowerment of women and young people, sustainable cities, marine resources, sustainable consumption and production patterns, and the migration and refugee crisis.
In the Nicosia Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development, Education Ministers and delegations established a Mediterranean Committee on Education for Sustainable Development open to all countries in the region to follow-up and implement the Action Plan.
“Strengthened regional cooperation on education for sustainable development is needed to improve understanding in relation to the complex environmental, economic and social challenges affecting the Mediterranean. Engaging young people is critical to the success of these coordinated efforts, especially such a young region like the Mediterranean where almost 60% of the population is below the age of 30”, stated Anny Shakalli, representing the UfM Secretariat.