EIB MED Conference: Boosting investments in the Mediterranean Region
Cairo, 13 September 2017.- Boosting the Mediterranean region’s economic growth and resilience requires upgrading and developing social and economic infrastructure and stimulating private sector development. This conference will address the challenges and obstacles in the region, focusing on how to boost public and private investments to promote job creation, especially for young people and women, and to raise living standards.
Starting with a macroeconomic overview that focuses on current economic developments and potential drivers of economic growth in the region, the conference will continue with a session on access to finance for SMEs and micro-entrepreneurs. The session acknowledge their critical role as the backbone of economic growth and job creation. The last session will focus on innovation and competitiveness, especially on the critical role of investment to promote innovation and the international competitiveness of local firms. FOR WHOM Business leaders, decision-makers, government representatives, national and international organisations and financial institutions, start-ups, microfinance companies, research centres and universities, chambers of commerce and business associations.
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