Promoting Employment for Youth and Women in the Post-Pandemic Aftermath
The Med4Jobs Advisory Board Meeting 2021 brought together prominent stakeholders to take stock of the state-of-play of employment-related challenges and the efforts undertaken towards a sustainable and inclusive socio-economic recovery.
The Mediterranean Initiative for Jobs (Med4Jobs) is a major building block of the UfM response to the unemployment challenge in the region. With over 100,000 beneficiaries, mostly young people and women in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, it gathers best practices and success stories from the region.
25 March 2021. The UfM organized the seventh Med4Jobs Advisory Board Meeting in an online format, with the aim of discussing a broad array of employment-related issues that range from informal employment and the future of work and skills to opportunities offered by Blue Economy and digitalization and the future role of MSMEs in economic transformation and labor generation, among others issues.
The meeting allowed a broad spectrum of partners and several regional and international organizations to share and discuss their respective experiences, with the objective of identifying lessons learned and future actions, producing ideas and recommendations to guide the next steps in tackling employment challenges in the region.
Launched in 2013, the Mediterranean Initiative for Jobs (Med4Jobs) is a flagship UfM project-based, cross-sectoral initiative, that has become a pipeline of projects addressing a broad spectrum of employment-related challenges in the UfM Region, with over 100,000 beneficiaries, mostly young people and women in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean. Med4Jobs currently has 13 labelled projects under its umbrella, some of which have been successfully concluded.
The Med4Jobs Advisory Board brings together several partners and stakeholders and aims to identify best practices, contribute to the promotion of job creation and SME development, and coordinate regional actions and efforts in the employment field.