Fedération des Experts Comptables Méditerranéens – Seminar on Common heritage of the Mediterranean
Outstanding speakers followed on another during intensive sessions, in order to showcase the experience of FMC, Fédération des Experts ComptablesMéditerranéens, and discussed the perspectives of cooperation regarding accounting and Small and Medium Size enterprises in the Mediterranean basin, especially in the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean.
Among them were present Mr. Guido Clary, Senior Police Officer of the European Investment Bank, Ms. RymAyadi, Senior research fellow Centre for European Policy Studies, Mr. Salvador Font-Salas, coordinator of the EuroMed Market Programme and Ms. Sylvie Voghel, Chairman of IFAC Small and Medium Practices committee.
They expressed the need to develop opportunities between entrepreneurs across the Mediterranean considering the long tradition and shared cultural heritage that unite peoples.