II Experts Meeting on Employment and Entrepreneurship takes place in Barcelona
Barcelona, 6th July, 2012. The UfM Secretariat together with the OECD LEED (Local Economic and Employment Development) Programme, the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the City of Barcelona through Barcelona Activa, co-organised the II Experts’ Meeting on Employment, Skills and Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean in Barcelona on 6 July 2012.
The II Experts Meeting was devoted to further develop the key areas of work identified in July 2011 during the I Experts Meeting. Among the issues that were tackled are identification and replication of best practice through M4J (Mediterranean Initiative for Jobs); improving skills in small businesses: what happens after exposure to others’ good practices; fostering knowledge-based entrepreneurship development; and fostering employment and skills strategies through Public – Private Partnerships (PPP).
Based on the Mediterranean Business Development Initiative, the Experts’ Board on Employment, Skills and Entrepreneurship Strategies in the Mediterranean was established in February 2012 by the aforementioned organisations together with the Business Development Centre of Jordan and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, with the following objectives:
- Monitor, study and report on best practices in the field
- Determine a strategy on the most effective way to disseminate and implement these best practices
- Liaise, contact, promote and advocate these best practices to an agreed number of Ministries from the Mediterranean countries
- Establish a set of objective indicators to define and assess the implementation of the aforementioned best practices
- Operate as Advisory Board for the Mediterranean Initiative for Jobs (M4J) developed by the UfM
The Experts Meetings are attended by Ministries, international organisations, universities, specialised research centres, business organisations, development agencies, and non-for profit organizations from the Mediterranean region.
Download the agenda of the event