Barcelona, 31 May 2022. UfM Deputy Secretary General for Transport and Urban Development, Amb. Erdal Sabri Ergen, participated in the official opening of the 18th Mediterranean Logistics & Transport Forum alongside eminent speakers including Adina Välean and EU Commissioner for Transport, as well as Anwar Zibaoui ans Ahmed El Wakil, President and General Coordinator of ASCAME, Pere Navarro, Special Delegate of the State to the Barcelona “Zona Franca” Consortium, and Elisabet Camprubí, President of the International Commission at the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona. The MedaLogistics Week, which is held in the framework of SIL Barcelona, is a major meeting… read more
Barcelona, 10 May 2022 – In view of the next UfM Ministerial Conference on Transport to be held in Cairo on 3 October 2022, and following the conclusion of the preparations at the technical level within the UfM Regional Platform on Transport Connectivity, a UfM Ad-Hoc Senior Officials Meeting on Transport convened online on 10 May 2022. The meeting brought together representatives from the Ministries of Transport as well as from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of UfM Member States, and representatives of several Directorates-General of the European Commission, including DG MOVE and DG NEAR. The meeting presented and discussed the… read more
Barcelona, 30 March 2022 – The UfM Regional Platform on Transport Connectivity and its Thematic Working Groups on Land Transport, Air Transport, Maritime Transport and Logistics convened from 28 to 30 March 2022 online, to resume the preparations at the technical level for the 3rd UfM Ministerial Conference on Transport. As announced by the UfM Co-Presidency and the Egyptian representative on this occasion, it will be held in Cairo in early October 2022. In particular, the Working Groups discussed the consolidated version of the Regional Transport Action Plan for the Mediterranean region (RTAP) for the period 2021-2027, with a view to finalising… read more
Barcelona, 24 March 2022 – The UfM Working Group on Evaluation, Monitoring & Reporting Systems on Sustainable Urban Development convened its 4th meeting on 24 March 2022 online to highlight the importance of having available data for evidence-based urban policies. As a follow-up to previous discussions, main challenges and advancements in the implementation of the United Nations Statistical Commission methodology for delineation of cities and urban and rural areas for international and regional statistical comparison purposes, Degree of Urbanization (DGURBA) were presented, showcasing also the experience of Lebanon in applying it. The meeting was also an occasion to start discussing… read more
21 March 2022. Urban green spaces, such as parks, playgrounds, and residential greenery, can promote mental and physical health by reducing exposure to air pollutants, noise and excessive heat. The “Webinar on Urban Nature, Green Spaces and Health” organized jointly by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe on 21 March 2022, addressed the positive impacts of urban nature and green spaces on health and wellbeing, and highlighted good practices and perspectives for action towards more liveable and healthy cities. The webinar took stock of the latest evidence on the impacts of… read more
17 February 2022 – The UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Urban Development convened its third meeting on 17 February 2022 in online format. The meeting contributed to the implementation of the UfM Urban Agenda and resumed the process of laying the groundwork at technical level for the next UfM Ministerial Conference on Sustainable Urban Development. The UfM Regional Platform, which was co-chaired by the UfM Co-Presidency, represented by Wallis Goelen, European Commission’s DG REGIO and by Jomana Attyat, Director General of the Housing and Urban Development Corporation in Jordan, was hosted by Erdal Sabri Ergen, UfM Deputy Secretary General for… read more
Barcelona, 16 December 2021-The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Thematic Working Groups on Land Transport (Road, Rail and Urban Transport), Air Transport, Maritime Transport and Logistics of the UfM Regional Platform on Transport Connectivity which were held online from 14 to 16 December 2021, resumed the process of laying the groundwork at technical level for the upcoming UfM Ministerial Conference on Transport, in particular by continuing the discussions and the consultative process on the new Regional Transport Action Plan for the Mediterranean region (RTAP) for the period 2021-2027. The meetings which were co-chaired by the UfM Co-Presidency (European Commission’s DG… read more
The World habitat Day 2021 is about sustainable urbanization and collective global responsibility for the future of the human habitat, with a focus on moving towards carbon neutrality. The UfM Urban Agenda and the UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040 reflect the shared strategic vision of UfM Member States for tackling adaptive urban and societal challenges and opportunities of the coming decades. 4 October 2021. The UfM joins the celebration of the World Habitat Day, which focuses on “Accelerating urban action for a carbon-free world” this year. Nearly 80% of the Mediterranean urban populations will be concentrated on 10% of… read more
Barcelona, 30 September 2021. The UfM joins the international community’s efforts to spotlight seafarers’ crucial role in the global trade and economy, as Seafarers: at the core of shipping’s future has been selected as the World Maritime Day 2021’s theme for 2021, celebrated at the initiative of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on 30 September 2021 Their exceptional contribution, also while facing unprecedented hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ensures the functioning of supply chains and the transport of vital commodities and products. Indeed, keeping supply chains open at all times, ensuring a continuous flow of maritime trade, while safeguarding health, safety and… read more
23-24 February 2020 – Deputy Secretary General for Transport and Urban Development Ayşe Asya represented the UfM in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regional workshop organized by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, in cooperation with UNECE, and with the support of the UfM, Housing Europe and UN-Habitat. Deputy Secretary General Asya showcased, in her address, the draft “UfM Housing Action Plan for affordable and sustainable housing, as a vector for inclusive, integrated and sustainable urban development and regeneration”, which was developed under the draft “UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040 for sustainable, resilient… read more