The project will streamline the flow of trade and enhance the competitiveness of the logistics in the region, complementing existing training programmes and supporting Mediterranean partners in their efforts to improve the qualifications of personnel in the logistics sector…. read more
Ministers in charge of transport from the 43 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) gathered on 14 November 2013, in Brussels on the occasion of the Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Transport…. read more
Barcelona, 18 June, 2013. Amb. Yigit Alpogan, UfM Deputy Secretary General for Transport and Urban Development, participated today in the 15th International Logistics & Material Handling Exhibition (SIL) held in Barcelona during 18-20 June 2013. This Exhibition is the meeting point for all the logistics activity from the South of Europe, the Mediterranean and Latin America and gathers all the professionals from the logistics industry, being the ideal framework for business deals, networking and knowledge. After fourteen editions, SIL has become a major logistics and transport trade fair in Europe and the Mediterranean. Within the framework of the SIL, the… read more
The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) launched today the LOGISMED Training Activities (LOGISMED-TA) project, which aims at reinforcing the Mediterranean logistics sector. This key project will serve as a vector for development in the Southern Mediterranean countries in view of facilitating transport and strengthening trade flows in the region…. read more
The LOGISMED Training Activities (LOGISMED-TA) project will contribute to the creation of a more competitive and efficient network of Euro-Mediterranean Logistics Platforms by increasing the training offer and improving the level of qualifications of the logistics platforms’ personnel. These series of training activities will be implemented during the period 2013-2018 in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia…. read more
Barcelona, 15 May 2013. The preparatory work of the UfM Euro-Mediterranean Sustainable Urban Development Strategy that started in March 2012 following the request by the First Ministerial Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) on Sustainable Urban Development (Strasbourg, November 2011), has been successfully concluded on the occasion of the Fifth Senior Official Experts Meeting. The main elements of the Strategy, namely, the ‘UfM Guidance Framework for Sustainable Euro-Mediterranean Cities and Territories’; the ‘Study for the Creation of an Urban Agency for the Mediterranean and of An Award for Urban Innovations’; and a report on the latest developments about… read more
Geneva, 17 April 2013. UfM Secretariat Deputy Secretary General, Ambassador Yigit Alpogan, and International Road Transport Union (IRU) Secretary General Emeritus, Mr. Martin Marmy, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the aim to further facilitate and secure trade around the Mediterranean basin by implementing key UN multilateral trade and transport facilitation instruments, such as the TIR and Harmonization Conventions. The MoU also focuses on improving professional road transport training in the UfM countries through the IRU Academy. The signature of this MoU will foster the development, in a public-private partnership, technical assistance projects and programmes aiming at effectively harmonising,… read more
Discussions between UfM Secretary General Sijilmassi and Turkish Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Transport focused on possible ways of operational cooperation between Turkey and the Secretariat of the UfM, especially in the area of transport…. read more
The Fourth Senior Officials Experts Meeting took place at the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean, in Barcelona. Crucial steps have been accomplished for the conclusion of the Euro-Mediterranean Sustainable Urban Development Strategy during the last few months…. read more
Three new projects adopted by the Union for the Mediterranean envisage the construction of a Jordanian National Railway as part of a regional railway network; the improvement of Higher education on food security and rural development; and the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean Development Centre for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises…. read more