The mayor of Barcelona renews his support to the UfMS… read more
Meeting between Mr. Alain Juppé and Mr. Fathallah Sijilmassi: France supports the Union for the Mediterranean…. read more
Prof. Ilan Chet highlighted the connection between Research and Innovation (R&I) and Higher Education and suggested giving further incentives to researchers in order to create a stimulating environment and improve conditions for innovation…. read more
The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) is the 3rd largest political group in the European Parliament. The conference took place in Barcelona on the 30th March, 2012…. read more
Mr. Sijilmassi met with Mr. Mahmoud Jibril, Former Prime Minister of the Libyan National Council at the premises of the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat, last 30th March, 2012…. read more
Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education & Research, Prof. Chet, explained how, through education, polarity present in all the societies and layers could be mitigated…. read more
The aim of the meeting was to follow-up the formulation of the Euro-Mediterranean Sustainable Urban Strategy, carried out by the Senior Official Experts with the support of the UfM Secretariat…. read more
The Secretary General of the UfM, Mr. Fathallah Sijilmassi, participated in the 8th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM), which was held on March 25th, in Rabat…. read more
On the occasion of the World Water Day on March 22nd, The Solidarity Sailboat celebrated its last stopover in Barcelona Port Vell where the boat docked for three days…. read more
The European Commission gave, last 16th March, its formal approval to the Mediterranean Solar Plan Project Preparation Initiative (MSP-PPI), in the framework of the Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF)…. read more