UfM project LOGISMEDTA receives RAILMED Award
Lecce (Italy), 12 October 2012. UfM project LOGISMEDTA received the prestigious RAILMED Award for Innovative International Projects in the field of transport during the International Forum “RAILMED, a Project for MEDA 2020”, celebrated in the Italian city of Lecce on 11-12 October 2012.
The RAILMED Project is promoted by the European Parliament, UNIMED, the Regione Puglia Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Apulia Ports Authority, the Italian College of Railway Engineers (CIFI), the “Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno” Institut (SRM) and the “Istituto Alti Studi Euro Mediterranei” (IASEM). Its activities concern among others, the promotion of scientific, social, economic and legislative studies on rail, road and maritime transport; the creation of a platform for technical assistance to the development of projects; the assistance to transport experts in the Mediterranean region; and the creation of a permanent observatory on the development of rail transports in the Mediterranean countries.
RAILMED organized this International Forum with the aim to discuss the future of Rail Transport in the Mediterranean region and to allow the exchange of experiences in transport, research and training. The meeting was attended by UfM Transport Expert, Salvatore D’Alfonso and some institutional representatives, academicians and international figures from the business environment.
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