27 February – 3 March, Geneva. In the framework of the observer status of the Union for the Mediterranean to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Memorandum of Understanding signed between both institutions in December 2018, the Senior Deputy Secretary General Grammenos Mastrojeni will follow the discussion of the seventy-sixth sess… read more
Dubai. 20-21 February 2023. The UfM will hold the session Design Thinking (DT): Developing Strategic and Innovative Project Ideas in collaboration with AECID (the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development) on 21 of February in the framework of the Arab Water Convention “Non-Conventional Water Resources: Business Opportunities”, w… read more
Barcelona. 16-17 February 2023. The UfM Water Agenda is composed of 4 thematic areas. Each one of these areas has a biannual rolling workplan. The latest update was covered for the period 2020-22. The goal of this Meeting will be, hence, to conclude the revision of the biannual workplans for the years 2023-2024 of the UfM Water Agenda’s thematic pr… read more
Give us your input! The Union for the Mediterranean welcomes input from interested parties in bringing forward cooperation in the field of higher education in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Share your views on the state of play of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation on higher education, its achievements so far and how to foster its further developments!… read more
9 February 2023. The 2nd Ministerial Conference on Transport of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), will be held virtually on Thursday, 9 February 2023, starting at 9h30 (Brussels time) – 11h30 (Amman time). The Ministerial Conference will be co-presided by the European Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vâlean and the Minister of Transport of Jo… read more
7-8 February 2023, Tunis. The Final Conference, aiming to bring together key stakeholders and partners including the UfM to discuss the results of the project and next steps, will be organized by the Tunisian Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) with the support of the Lead Beneficiary Legambiente Onlus and of the rest o… read more
3 February 2023. UfM partner, EMUNI University in Slovenia has created the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Camp (EMIC), an new venture for 2023 to nurture innovation and creativity among youth. The call targets youth between aged 18-35 years-old, resident in the Euro-Mediterranean region with novel idea or invention that can eventually be commerciali… read more
Tuesday 31st January and Wednesday 1st February 2023 in Vic, at UVIC-UCC BETA Tech Center facilities. Good governance constitutes the backbone of the capitalization efforts. Governance is at the core of the InterregMed programme, which has launched and awarded the so called ‘governance projects’, made of the institutional and thematic projects, acc… read more
30 January 2023. The UfM webinar on Financing Innovation Ecosystems for the Mediterranean Sustainable Blue Economy will take place on January 30, 2023, from 10h30 to 12h30 CET. Innovation ecosystems – encompassing actors from innovative start-ups and SMEs, to researchers, academia, and policy/decision-makers – are essential drivers for transformati… read more
Register today 30-31 January 2023. The UfM is co-organising the event on the ‘International Cooperation in Research and Innovation (R&I) for Mediterranean resilience – Launch of Mediterranean Initiative: Horizon Europe WP 2023-2024’, together with he European Commission. The event will take place in Cairo, Egypt, on 30 January 2023, with online… read more