EMUNI University
Context and objectives
EMUNI University is a regional hub for higher education and research, and a strategic partner of the UfM Secretariat in this area.
The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI University) was established within the framework of the Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean (Paris, 13th July 2008). The institution gathers knowledge and experience from over 130 universities from 33 different countries, significantly contributing to the creation of an integrated Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area.
With its headquarters in Piran (Slovenia), EMUNI University’s main mission is to strengthen mutual understanding and intercultural exchange in the Mediterranean region. It does this by implementing accredited study programmes and other educational activities. The university also conducts scientific research and coordinates projects related to Euro-Mediterranean affairs and cooperation.
Since 2015, EMUNI University has organised Annual Conferences and thematic workshops dedicated to addressing the key challenges faced by the Mediterranean region and producing policy recommendations.
EMUNI University aims to strengthen mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region.
It fosters inclusive growth and development through the advancement of knowledge and innovation.
The university organises thematic workshops and conferences to address key challenges faced by the region.

Key figures
130+ universities
EMUNI governance
EMUNI University is governed by a management board, senate, president, student council, and a general assembly. The UfM, represented by the Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education & Research, is a member of the management board of EMUNI University.
Centre for Arab, Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies
In June 2015, EMUNI University established a Centre for Arab, Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies (AIMES) in Slovenia. The Centre aims to generate scientific and cultural cooperation to build intercultural understanding between European and Arab countries.
Cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes
During the 1st UfM Regional Forum held in November 2016, EMUNI University and the UEMF signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which provided a basis for enhanced cooperation in educational and research activities in the Mediterranean.
- Committed and highly competent students, eager to advance their professional path in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
- Teachers willing to devote their knowledge and experience to shaping young leaders in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
- Policy makers, administrators in education, experts, research centres, think-tanks, universities and international institutions searching for in-depth knowledge and experience on Euro-Mediterranean issues.
Five Annual Conferences have been organised by EMUNI University so far to make recommendations on challenges on:
Science diplomacy: Re-thinking Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation (Portorož, Slovenia – 2015).
Migration, Diaspora and Brain Circulation – Drivers for EU-Mediterranean Cooperation (Barcelona, Spain – 2016).
Youth, Employability and Entrepreneurship (Piran – 2017)
The Future of Knowledge Institutions in the Mediterranean (Piran, Slovenia – 2018).
Recognition of higher Education Qualifications: Where does the Euro-Mediterranean region stand? (Barcelona, Spain – 2019, jointly organized with the UfM).
Educational programmes offered
Euro-Med Innovation & Entrepreneurship Diploma.
Master in Intercultural Business Communication.
Master in Management and Quality in Education.
EMUNI Summer School (Jean Monnet Module).
Mobility and research projects
Middle East Research and Innovation Dialogue (MERID).
Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES).
ERC = Science2.
European Leadership in Cultural, Science and Innovation Diplomacy.
Partnership in Research & Innovation in the Mediterranean Area.