The Incorpora Programme, established in 2006, aims to help at-risk or marginalised people find work placements in companies. It further aims to:
– Offer companies an alternative form of corporate social responsibility, creating more employment for vulnerable people.
– Increase the training of professionals within the social organisations participating in the Incorpora Programme.
– Promote socially responsible regions that help provide solutions for at-risk or marginalised people and promote equal opportunities.
From 2006 to 2016, Incorpora Spain placed more than 137,000 vulnerable people in various training programmes or helped them find employment. In Morocco, there have been 4,000 placements since 2009. Following previous successes, Incorpora extended its operations to Morocco and Tunisia through a 12-month programme (with the possibility of annual renewal). The project was implemented within the MedConfederation framework and includes the collaboration of the Caisse de Dépôt et de Consignations, International Office for Migration (Tunisia), and the Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (Morocco).
The project’s two-pronged approach:
Network of social organisations : The social organisations offer training and employment-mediation programmes to users, so they can improve their skills and gain access to employment. The organisations work to identify the needs of companies in the area and select candidates that fit with required profile and they offer support throughout the entire job-placement process.
Network of companies: La Caixa Foundation collaborates with business groups and other economic organisations to run the programme’s awareness-raising and promotion initiatives – a useful service for companies in the field of human-resources, from a socially responsible perspective.

Key figures
Total cost:
This project is promoted by the La Caixa Banking Foundation, whose mission is to contribute to the progress of individuals and society, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable groups. It acts through its own programmes, strategic alliances or partnerships with third parties. All this is guided by the objectives of sustainable social transformation and creation of opportunities for people.
Key partners
The project is implemented in the framework of the MedConfederation with the collaboration of:
- Vulnerable people at risk of socio-economic exclusion, especially young people and women.
- Social organisations: the programme creates greater employment opportunities in companies through the network of job placement officers.
- Professionals in job placement: the programme reinforces the job placement skills of all the social entities belonging to it and the professional training of the job placement officers.
Key actions
The beneficiaries received:
Training in basic skills and work-culture values.
Vocational job-seeking guidance adapted to their profile.
Support throughout the job-placement and work adaptation process.
Results for Tunisia
450 individuals attended training
150 individuals received job placements
300 companies were visited
Results for Morocco
1,750 individuals attended training
650 individuals received job placements
850 companies were visited