Enhancing Digital Education in the Mediterranean
Since its foundation in 2008, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) has prioritised Higher Education and Research. This commitment has led to a notable expansion in networking opportunities, collaborative research, and the mutual recognition of academic qualifications among institutions. In this evolving period for education, we find a compelling opportunity to drive Digital Transformation (DT) forward in Higher Education (HE) across this diverse region.
As DT becomes a strategic focus within HE, it increasingly shapes public discourse and motivates action. Governments and educational institutions are reimagining teaching methodologies to meet the needs of digital societies and the demands of an evolving labour market. This shift opens pathways to innovate and align education with the future, fostering a resilient and adaptable learning ecosystem.
The Enhancing Digital Education in the Mediterranean initiative, led by the Union for the Mediterranean, has joint efforts with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, the first fully online university in the world created in 1994. The aim of the initiative is to set the basis of a meaningful dialogue and the exchange of best practices to accelerate the DT of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) within and among the Mediterranean countries.
This guide aims to complement and expand on the webinars designed by the UOC in collaboration with the UfM, targeting leaders, administrators, faculty, and researchers from Mediterranean region countries involved in the digital transformation of their educational institutions. The webinars provided an initial 12-hour foundational training, which is now supplemented by this guide. It includes eight sections divided into two parts, corresponding to the eight sessions that are recorded and available below.
January 2025