Secretary General Ahmad Masa’deh addresses the Economic Committee of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly
President of the Committee, Egyptian Member of Parliament Mohammed Abul-Einein welcomed in his opening remarks Secretary General Masa’deh and stressed the importance role of the Secretariat as the central organ of the UfM calling on all parties to render sufficient support thereto.
Secretary General Masa’deh stressed in his intervention on his keenness to broaden relations between the Secretariat and the various EMPA’s committees noting that the collective interests of all stakeholders meet in serving the peoples of the Mediterranean. Ahmad Masa’deh briefed the Committee on the accomplishments of the Secretariat thus-far embodied in the finalization of technical and human elements as well as the submission for the consideration of the partner countries on September 8, 2010 a set of documents comprising the work program for 2011, a budget proposal for 2011, Secretariat’s staff regulations, organizational chart of the Secretariat and the guidelines for projects selection. The Secretary General stressed his unwavering intention to establish a professional Secretariat that is technically sound.