On October 9, 2018, as part of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Conference side events, the WoMED participants will gather all together in Lisboa to share their respective leading experience in their home country.
WoMED – Women of the Mediterranean: Next Generation of Leaders is an innovative high-level training programme on women empowerment and gender equality conducted by Sciences Po from 2015-2017 with the support of the French Ministry of European and Foreign affairs, the French Ministry of Women Rights and the Interministerial delegation for the Mediterranean. The WoMED project was labelled by the UfM in 2015 and is part of the UfM Secretariat’s global strategy to promote concrete projects for women empowerment and
gender equality in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
For three successive years, 62 women aged 25 to 35 years old, coming from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Turkey or Tunisia, pursued a two-week intensive training programme on leadership and gender equality, with a twofold objective : how to disseminate gender equality principles in the Mediterranean region and how to be part of a lively leading women network.
For the first time Sciences Po will gather all the WoMED participants for an in person one day event to share their field experiences, reflect upon the impact of the training and brainstorm on their role in building inclusive societies for the Mediterranean.
This side event is co-funded by:

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