European Investment Bank
Andrea Tinagli
Advisor for Sustainable Finance and Investments
Andrea Tinagli joined the UfM in July 2021.
Full bio
Andrea Tinagli is an Italian citizen. Prior to his appointment at the UfM, he covered during more than 20 years different managerial positions at the European Investment Bank (EIB), including Head of Spanish Delegation; Head of Holding Funds, Southern Europe; Head of Italian Delegation and Head of Energy and Public sector and Project Finance Italy and Malta. His latest position was Head of Banks and Energy Baltic See and Northern EU Countries.
Andrea Tinagli has a long experience in development finance, Infrastructure and investment finance, financial instruments and securitization of SMEs and Midcaps portfolios.
He studied at Bocconi University, Italy, HEC- Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, France and Esade Business School, Spain. He is a Chartered accountant and Dottore Commercialista.