The UfM participates to the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar
22 – 27 March. Access to water is a major challenge for the 21st century. Shortages, poor water quality or lack of sanitation facilities have a negative impact on food security, health, gender equality and the living conditions of the poor. The problems are numerous and complex: millions of people in the Mediterranean still lack access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation; there is an increasing competition between different water users and uses; and significant investments are needed to maintain and improve water infrastructure. The economic, financial and governance aspects of water resources management are usually at the heart of the problem. Only by addressing them can a solution to the critical water problem be found.
In line with the objectives of the 9th edition of the World Water Forum that was held in Dakar and with the UfM Water Policy Framework of Action 2030, the Union for the Mediterranean together with the Institut Méditerranéen de l’Eau (IME) has organized two thematic sessions and one side event within the World Water Forum with the final objective of merging experiences and contributions and offering solutions to the future management of water in the Mediterranean.
The 4th Mediterranean Water Forum, held in Malta in December 2021, was a platform for exchanging and consolidating know-how and experiences in the field of water in the Mediterranean, it represented also an opportunity for all Mediterranean actors to identify effective responses to ensure water security. This theme is of crucial importance for a region which is among the world’s poorest regions in terms of fresh water and that is threatened by demographic changes, socio-economic challenges and the effects of climate change.
Based on the exchange of experiences during the Malta Forum, the best practices and technologies identified were showcased and discussed during this event as answers to the challenges related to water security in the region and beyond.
Almotaz Abadi, Managing Director for Water, Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean, derived a keynote speech in the following sessions that the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat is co-organizing with IME and WWC:
- “Finance for access to water and sanitation” – 21 Mach 2022 – 16.00 to 17.00 on the World Water Council Booth (EXPO area)
- “International Observatory of Non-Conventional Water Resources and Associated Renewable Energy” – 24th March 2022 from 9:00 to 10:30 Room 201 – CICAD (80 seats)
- “Mediterranean solutions from the 4th Mediterranean water forum, Malta, Dec. 2021” 24th March 2022 from 13:30 to 15:00 (Room 12 EXPO)