UfM at COP22: Driving a shared Mediterranean Agenda for climate action
7-18 November. Marrakech. Keeping the global temperature rise to below 2ºC, the target set by the Paris Agreement, calls for coordinated action that cannot rely solely on nationally-determined contributions.
As emphasised by the UfM Secretary General, Fathallah Sijilmassi: “This is a defining moment as we are starting to build towards the low-carbon era. It is indeed a collective effort. States, communities, civil society organisations, businesses, international and intergovernmental organisations: we are all mobilised for the challenges that face us. The complexity of the climate challenge requires us to not only work at the global level but also to foster support at the appropriate intermediary levels. The Euro-Mediterranean region is undeniably one of these levels”.
In line with its mandate to enhance regional cooperation on climate action, the Union for the Mediterranean is deeply engaged in the development of a common, region-wide Mediterranean Climate Agenda that is reflected through various major activities at the COP22:
Launch of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) Platform
Following the launch earlier in 2016 of the UfM Regional Electricity Market Platform and the UfM Gas Platform, the REEE Platform aims to promote gradual implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in order to ensure that all citizens and businesses in the region have access to secure, affordable and reliable modern energy services, as well as to support mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
14 November, 9:00 | European Union Pavilion | Register here
Launch of a major Mediterranean project for renewable energy in the private sector
The UfM and the EBRD will launch the UfM-labelled project “SEMED Private Renewable Energy Framework (SPREF)” which aims to stimulate the development of private renewable energy markets in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan. Through this project, EBRD will provide financing of up to €227.5 million and will mobilise further investment from other parties of up to €834 million. The project will also provide targeted technical cooperation support for the implementation of renewable energy projects in the region aiming to avoid 780,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.
14 November, 9:00 | European Union Pavilion | Register here
Following the launch of the abovementioned innovative framework, a conference for private businesses will be organised with the COP22’s Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) committee and the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) and the CGEM. The event is aimed at informing businesses about the SPREF mechanism in order to encourage them to use it.
15 November, 9:00 | Civil Society area | Register here
Presentation of the Agenda of Regional Mediterranean Events
In collaboration with other key Euro-Mediterranean partners, the UfM Secretariat has compiled all the COP22 events related to climate activities in the Euro-Mediterranean region. This will provide the opportunity for regional institutions to work in support of sustainable development in the Mediterranean by presenting their activities during the COP22 and showcasing potential synergies.
11 November, 15:00 | Civil Society area
High-level panel: Sustainable development and regional stability go hand in hand in the Mediterranean.
The transition towards low-carbon development is a tremendous source of opportunity for the region through the creation of new economic activities, and also offers greater resilience in the face of climatic variations. To that end, the UfM Secretariat and the European Commission will be organising a high-level discussion on these issues. The event will feature EU Commissioner on Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, the Minister of Environment of Jordan, Yaseen Al-Khayyat, and other high officials from across the region.
17 November, 16:30 | European Union Pavilion | Register here
Key players’ perspective on climate change in the Mediterranean
This publication is introduced by Ségolène Royal, President of COP21, Hakima El Haite, Moroccan Minister Delegate in charge of the Environment, Arias Cañete, European Commissioner, and Fathallah Sijilmassi, Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, and includes a large number of personalities addressing the transition of the Mediterranean to low-carbon development.
17 November, 16.30 | European Union Pavilion