Uragano and Tempesta, two loggerhead turtles victims of accidental capture, returned to the sea ahead of the Common Project training course on protection of marine species
Turtles Uragano and Tempesta- hurricaine and tempest in Italian- were safely returned to the Mediterranean Sea after weeks of care in the recovery center of Manfredonia. Victims of accidental capture, the two loggerhead turtles were freed ahead of the COMMON Project training course on protection of marine endangered species.
This first training course and transfer activities within the Plastic Busters MPAs and COMMON Projects was organized by the Università degli Studi di Siena, in area of the master’s degree in ‘Sustainability and Environmental Ecotoxicology’ and lead by expert and teacher Maria Cristina Fossi. The course was hosted by NGO Legambiente, with its Sea Turtle Rescue Centre in Manfredonia.
UfM’s collaboration with the University of Siena’s program dates back to 2016, through the Plastic Busters project, seeking to reduce and remove marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea in Marine Protected Areas (MPA). Steaming from this original project, Common Project will apply the Integrated Coastal Zone Management to improve the environmental performance of 5 pilot coastal areas in Italy, Tunisia and Lebanon, testing a model that could be transferred to the whole Mediterranean area. COMMON is funded through the ENI CBC Med calls, implemented by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Instrument.
Watch the video (Copyright from Common – Med Project)