Mediterranean Initiative for Jobs (Med4Jobs)
Context and objectives
The Mediterranean Initiative for Jobs (Med4Jobs) works by promoting and replicating a number of private-sector job creation projects in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region. Med4Jobs is bringing job creation to the centre of the socio-economic development debate, notably by shedding light on employment at local and national levels.
Med4Jobs was conceived as a cross-sectorial, project-based initiative. It will cover both the supply and demand side of the labour market, by targeting three core areas:
- Employability: it will identify and scale up successful training programmes across the region that address the mismatch between skills and labour-market needs.
- Job intermediation: it will replicate successful job facilitation and intermediation programmes.
- Business enabling infrastructure: it will develop business enabling infrastructure for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), such as incubators and coaching programmes.
The programme’s three approaches:
- The vertical approach, which will seek to ensure consistency and alignment with national employment frameworks defined by Ministries of Employment.
- The horizontal approach, through the participation of a wide range of stakeholders such as international institutions, universities, and private sector companies, as well as the exchange of best practices between countries.
- The bottom-up approach, which will aim, through projects, to raise awareness on ways to address the region’s employment challenges. Lessons learnt through Med4Jobs projects will also help policymakers to better fine-tune their employment policies in the region.
Med4Jobs will seek to identify best practices in terms of job-creating projects and to replicate them across the region. It can therefore be defined as a programme of projects.
The Med4Jobs initiative aims to help increase the employability of young people and women in the Mediterranean region.
It also aims to help boost entrepreneurship and private-sector development.
Its actions target three core areas: employability, job intermediation, and business enabling infrastructure.

Key figures
Partner types:
Med4Jobs projects
Generation Entrepreneur
Maharat Med – Developing Youth Employability & Entrepreneurial Skills
MedNC – New Chance Mediterranean Network
HOMERe – High Opportunity for Mediterranean Executive Recruitment
Mediterranean Entrepreneurship Network
Young Women as Job Creators
The Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez
Skills for Success – Employability Skills for Women
Promoting women’s empowerment for inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the MENA region
CEED GROW: Growing and Scaling Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
YouMatch – Toolbox project
Establishment of a Regional Platform for the Development of Culture and Creative Industries and Clusters
This initiative is developed by the Union for the Mediterranean, acting as project facilitator, accompanying project promoters throughout the entire project cycle.
Key partners
Public sector actors: Ministries of Higher Education, Ministries of Industry, Ministries of Employment and other relevant Ministries.
Private sector actors: The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry, business associations, private sector corporations.
EU and international institutions: DG NEAR, DG Employment, ….
Financial partners: European Commission, European Investment Bank, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.
Institutions with technical expertise: International Labour Organisation, European Training Foundation, UNDP…
Key actions
Since February 2012, a number of actions have been carried out under the Med4Jobs initiative:
Official endorsement of the initiative by Member States of the Union for the Mediterranean in December 2012.
Launch of the initiative at the Mediterranean Economic Conference in Tunisia in September 2013.
Mapping of regional activities and projects through missions to Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco.
Close cooperation with authorities and partners in Palestine, Lebanon and Algeria to identify common goals and synergies.
Expected results
Increased number of private-sector job-creation projects.
Creation of new job opportunities and enhanced regional development.
Positive impact on the unemployment rate among young people and women.
Creation of a culture of entrepreneurship and private-sector development.