15th FEMIP Conference
Luxembourg, 26 October 2015
At existing growth rates, the MENA region will see at least 60 million new entrants to the labour market by 2025. Creating employment opportunities, in particular for young people, is thus a key priority for the Mediterranean countries’ governments and for their international partners. Actions to improve the entrepreneurship environment are particularly important in this respect, as private sector businesses play a vital role in job creation across both developed and developing countries.
In this context, the European Investment Bank, in collaboration with the Union for the Mediterranean and the Luxembourgish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will hold 15th FEMIP Conference will be held on the subject of:
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Jobs:
Promoting Pioneering Investments in the Mediterranean Region
The day’s discussions will focus on innovation and entrepreneurship in the private sector, providing a forum to explore financial instruments that support innovation and contribute to accelerating business growth, with a view to supporting a new generation of regional champions.