Call for papers: Joint publication between CIHEAM and UfM on Strengthening the role of women in rural and agricultural areas
19 February 2018.- The Union for the Mediterranean and CIHEAM are announcing a joint publication on Strengthening the role of women: Obstacles and opportunities in rural and agricultural areas to be published in June 2018. The call for papers is open until the 23 March 2018.
The CIHEAM Watch Letter n°40 will try to put into the different situations in the Mediterranean into perspective by analysing the challenges and opportunities related to strengthening the role of rural women in the economic, social, legal and political spheres. Contributions can have a national, regional, thematic (climate, migration, education and employment, access to services and resources …) or sectoral (agriculture, fisheries, livestock, crafts, entrepreneurship, politics, etc.) approach. The analyses should help to better understand the challenges but also the opportunities of the gender approach in rural, coastal and agricultural sustainable development initiatives and policies. They will also help to identify levers and good practices for the empowerment of women at three interrelated levels (macro, meso and micro) such as:
– The enforcement of laws and regulations;
– The integration of gender dimension in the rural and agricultural policies and objectives ;
– Strengthening women access to innovation, productive assets, services and infrastructures, including the access to land and property, to markets and to quality transport; – Fostering women’s and girls’ access to education, training and mentoring; – Ensuring women’s access to decent work in agricultural areas.
– Support the participation and leadership of women in rural organizations;
-Support to the participation of women and girls to scientific and research networks in the fields of food and nutrition security, natural resources management, sustainable and inclusive rural and coastal development, climate change adaptation and mitigations strategies, animal and plant health etc.
– The adoption of gender-sensitive budgets to ensure fair distribution of resources.
– The reduction and redistribution of unpaid care and domestic work etc.
Deadline for submissions and write-up of the summary: 23 March 2018