Germany extends support to UfM projects and initiatives promoting regional integration in the Mediterranean
Berlin, 20 November, 2013. During an official visit to Berlin, UfM Secretary General Sijilmassi held talks with State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office, Emily Haber, and other German authorities, who confirmed the political and operational support of Germany to the ongoing efforts carried out by the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean to foster regional integration, strengthened development, stability and security in the Mediterranean region. The Union for the Mediterranean provides an adequate framework to that effect.
During the visit, consultations were held with representatives of major German Foundations and Think Tanks, namely, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, ZMO, German Institute of Global and Area Studies, German Orient Foundation and Institute, and the German Council of Foreign Relations. Discussions focused on the role of these institutions in supporting regional cooperation in the Mediterranean.
On 21 November, 2013, Secretary General Sijilmassi participated as a keynote speaker in the 4th Genshagen Forum, organized under the auspices of the Presidents of the German Bundestag and the French National Assembly, and with the participation of the Institut Montaigne. UfM Secretary General intervened in the session ‘European Union and the Mediterranean: What are the perspectives in the Euro-Mediterranean Region’. Gathering major opinion leaders in the region, the Genshagen Forum was an opportunity to discuss priorities for the Mediterranean agenda as well as the key role of the UfM for the promotion of regional integration.