The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) met with experts at the 3rd Brainstorming Meeting to further discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on drinking water and sanitation. 19 May 2020. The provision of safe water, sanitation and hygienic conditions is essential for protecting human health during all infectious disease outbreaks, including of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), especially in some areas of the Euro-Mediterranean region, already under stress due to the water scarcity caused by the climate crisis. Together with the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME), the UfM held the 3rd virtual working session on the… read more
The UfM strengthens collaborative efforts to address the impacts of pollution together with the UN Environment Program / Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP). 13-14 May 2020. The Mediterranean Sea is the most polluted European sea with 200 thousand tons of plastic dumped each year. Also, air pollution from ships in the Mediterranean causes up to 6,000 deaths per year. Both sources of pollution were tackled during the UNEP 21st Meeting of the Members of the Steering Committee of Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development on 13-14 May 2020. With the participation of the UfM, the discussions focused on marine litter, biodiversity, marine protected areas and coastal management, as well as… read more
Mediterranean countries share water emergency and recovery plans to tackle the aftermath of COVID-19
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) met with experts from Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey to share their response to the water emergency and provide policy recommendations on how to move forward. Participants agreed that providing sustainable water access is essential for many jobs and discussed their emergency and recovery plans to help water utility operators cope with the crisis. Over 250 million people are expected to be “water poor” within the next 20 years in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with numbers potentially exacerbated by the COVID-19… read more
The UfM participated in the EU International Ocean Governance Forum, launched by the European Commission in association with the European External Action Service to provide a platform for dialogue on ocean challenges and governance solutions 23-24 April 2020. The International Ocean Governance (IOG) Forum took place online on 23-24 of April to further strengthen international ocean governance for the sustainable use of oceans and seas and the shift to the blue economy. With the participation of the UfM Deputy Secretary General, Isidro González Afonso and UfM Head of Sector, Alessandra Sensi, the core of the debate was the degradation of marine ecosystems and the related economic and social… read more
The UfM, the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) and the Energy and Water Agency of Malta held a meeting to prepare for the 2020 Mediterranean Water Forum. The meeting aimed to further advance a regional strategy for action on water in line with the 2021 World Water Forum’s objectives. 21 April 2020. The 1st steering committee, organised by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) and the Energy and Water Agency of Malta, gathered online 27 water stakeholders to prepare key points of discussion for the 4th Mediterranean Water Forum, which is foreseen on the 11-13 of November 2020 in Malta. Participants agreed the Forum will provide a… read more
More than 100 experts and representatives from international organisations participated in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) online consultation on the future of the Blue Economy in the Mediterranean region. Taking into account the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, they provided more than 350 recommendations in key sectors such as governance, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, renewable energies, marine litter, blue jobs and safety and surveillance. Their inputs will help to prepare the upcoming meeting of the UfM ministers in charge of Blue Economy, foreseen in 2020. 20 April 2020. The Mediterranean is in an alarming situation, warming 20% faster than the world… read more
8 April 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic is prompting questions for the water supply and sanitation sector globally and with a special focus on the Mediterranean, already under stress due to the water scarcity caused by the climate crisis. The UfM and the Institut Méditerranéen de l’Eau (IME) met online for the first brainstorming session on the water, sanitation and COVID19, along with 25 partners and experts from Lebanon, Spain, France, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. This is the first of a series of meetings to exchange views on the water emergency response to the pandemic as well as to give policy recommendations on how to move forward. … read more
Freshwater availability is likely to decrease by 15% in the coming decades, causing important constraints for agriculture and human use in an area already suffering from water scarcity. The Mediterranean population classified as ‘water-poor’ is expected to increase to over 250 million, within 20 years. The UfM Water Agenda aims to ensure that each and every Euro-Mediterranean country receives the necessary technical, administrative, and financial recommendations to help achieve water security for its population and their economic activities. Barcelona, 17 March 2020. On World Water Day, held under the thematic “Water and Climate change”, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) emphasises the… read more
Turtles Uragano and Tempesta- hurricaine and tempest in Italian- were safely returned to the Mediterranean Sea after weeks of care in the recovery center of Manfredonia. Victims of accidental capture, the two loggerhead turtles were freed ahead of the COMMON Project training course on protection of marine endangered species. This first training course and transfer activities within the Plastic Busters MPAs and COMMON Projects was organized by the Università degli Studi di Siena, in area of the master’s degree in ‘Sustainability and Environmental Ecotoxicology’ and lead by expert and teacher Maria Cristina Fossi. The course was hosted by NGO Legambiente, with its Sea Turtle Rescue Centre in… read more
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) held the 1st Annual Conference on Water Investment and Financing in the framework of the MED – Mediterranean Dialogues, held in Rome on 5-6 December. With current policies, 250 million people are projected to be considered water-poor by 2025. Through its regional Water Agenda, the UfM seeks to support its Member States in achieving a sustainable and integrated water management while securing financial sustainability for the water sector. The UfM Secretary General today will brief the audience on the main recommendations as well as on the geopolitical implications of climate change. Rome, 6th December 2019. The UfM… read more