UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Urban Development
10 December 2020. The second meeting of the UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Urban Development will be held online on Thursday, 10 December 2020, from 10:00 to 12:30 hrs. The meeting is addressed to UfM National Coordinators for Sustainable Urban Development, accompanied by UfM Focal Points for urban regeneration, affordable and sustainable housing and urban indicators, and to other stakeholders, including experts, reviewers and representatives of intergovernmental organizations, universities, NGOs, international financial institutions (IFIs), donors and private sector.
The meeting will mark the conclusion of the consultative process on the UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040 and its Housing Action Plan, with recommendations for decision to the UfM Senior Officials on the adoption and subsequent implementation of the two Action Plans.
The meeting will also provide the opportunity for stakeholders to take stock of ongoing and prospective partnerships for the effective and timely implementation of the two UfM Action Plans, as well as for the development of other axes of intervention of the Strategic Action Plan.
The UfM looks forward to reinforcing its evolving urban projects pipeline with quality and bankable projects, with a view to promoting UfM-labelled projects for co-financing by national governments, EC, EIB, as well as other IFIs and donors.