Promoting citizenship education in school to prevent gender-based violence: launching of teachers’ trainings in Morocco and Tunisia
In Tunisia, the 5 days training started the 26th of February in three schools, organised by the national partner, the Social Development Center. The objective is to provide teachers with guidance and knowledge on responsible citizenship, culture of non-violence, gender equality and civic values. The training uses as a didactic support the new guides on citizenship and gender equality in school produced by the project with the involvement national and international experts of education sector, and in close coordination of the Ministry of Education.
In Morocco, the national partner, the Moroccan Center for Civic Education, organised a focus groups involving representatives of the Ministry of Education, school headmasters, teachers of several disciplines, NGOs representatives and students, with the objective to discuss and test with students the new civic education guide for teachers finalised in mid-January 2017. A teachers’ training in 4 pilot schools will be organised soon. .