Reinforcing the Innovation-Employability Nexus in the Mediterranean: A Handbook for Academia, Industry and Policymakers. High-level Roundtable and Presentation of the Publication.
2 December 2020. A High-level Roundtable and Presentation of the Handbook, hosted by the Union for the Mediterranean, will take place online on 2 December from 11:15 to 13:00 CET. This event, open to universities, research centres, education ministries, intermediary institutions, civil society and industry, is aimed at sharing policy tools and best practices for the improvement of the employability of students and researchers. It will also focus on how research and innovation can foster the development of sustainable economies in the Mediterranean.
During the event, a Handbook for universities, business and decision makers will be presented. That publication is aimed at enhancing career development among students and researchers, at fostering entrepreneurship and start-ups, and at supporting universities in carrying out their ‘third mission’ towards society. It will be available for download starting on 2 December on https://ufmsecretariat.org//info-center/publications/
You can watch the event live on 2 December starting 11:25: https://www.youtube.com/user/UfMSecretariat