The UfM participates in the UNFCCC Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
2019 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance:“Climate Finance and Sustainable Cities” – 12-13 September, Beirut
The UfM Secretariat collaborates with the UNFCCC Secretariat in the organisation of the 2019 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance taking place on 12 and 13 September in Beirut, Lebanon, and that will focus on climate finance and sustainable cities.
In line with the UfM climate finance agenda and the UfM Energy Transition@Local Initiative that supports local authorities in their efforts towards the energy transition, the 2019 SCR Forum will tackle relevant issues for cities such as the financing of cities’ low emission development; the financing of climate-resilient cities; capacity-building actions to finance sustainable cities; and the role of climate finance in facilitating a transition towards inclusive, participatory and gender-responsive and youth-oriented cities.
The Forum will bring together key stakeholders and share good practices and lessons learned in financing sustainable cities and integrating climate considerations into cities’ broader domestic infrastructure development, and urban planning processes; identify challenges faced by actors at the city level to access and attract climate finance; explore the role of climate finance to facilitate inclusive, participatory, gender-responsive and youth-oriented cities.
In the frame of the existing partnership between the UNFCCC and the UfM, the UfM contributes to the 2019 Forum by providing concrete and accurate examples from the region to give visibility to the Mediterranean climate agenda. The Clima-Med project, the Mediterranean Youth Climate Network and R20 will support to illustrate the Mediterranean case in Beirut. In addition, the UfM Deputy Secretary General in charge of Energy and Climate Action, Mr. Grammenos Mastrojeni, will moderate a brainstorming session dedicated to water and waste, sectors of high relevance for the international agenda as well as for the Mediterranean cities where over 250 million people are projected to be considered water poor within 20 years (compared to 180 million in 2013) according to MedECC, the network of Mediterranean experts on climate and environmental change.
The agenda and more information about the 2019 Forum of the SCF here.