The forestry sector: Empowering people to respond to social, economic and environmental challenges in the Mediterranean
EU and Mediterranean partner countries face common challenges when it comes to climate change, economic growth, foster the social inclusion and strengthen local development.
To discuss on opportunities and ways of cooperation within the forestry sector Mr. Almotaz Abadi (Water & Envionment Division) and Dr. Enrique Doblas (CREAF research coordinator and manager of the MENFRI project) met on the 23rd of May 2016 at the UfM headquarters in Barcelona.
The Mediterranean Network of Forestry Research and Innovation is well placed to contribute to forestry issues. At the same time the discussion touched also upon the opportunity to create an expert working group on the forestry subject with the objective to use its capacities as an engine of social and economic growth.
This objective is crucial and for this reason, building upon the experience and capacities of the MENFRI project, Dr. Doblas will be coordinating the Node for Opportunities, Development and Environment. The NODE will be a service-hub able to provide innovative sustainable development solutions, technical and policy advisory capacities, combining multidisciplinary approach with market opportunities, knowledge and social business.